Chant Royal


From urgent aquifiers, from night’s feathers,

from circumstance’s bent aurical,

we extricated ourselves, held together,

hue-sensitive, metaphorical,

your Augustan incandescence

and my object lessons


enjoying the apricity

of an afternoon in November.

Smoked camels designed by a committee.

Zebra crossings I can scarcely remember.


Whatever severs

the cobweb prophecy of Ismenion’s oracle;

that was the end of our endeavours.

The body rhetorical

and desire’s iridescence.

The naivety of pheasants.

It comes to a pretty

pass when a city

devotes an expiring ember

to the landscape of endearment, to a territory

of which it is not a member.


I felt our tethers

like the cables of a long-demolished passarelle,

like a scarf for all weathers.

I should have launched our unnamed coracle,

should have registered the presence

of an efflorescence.

In this counterfactuality,

shorn of any performativity

and of an industrious temper,

you embarked upon the pressing activity

of filleting my timbre.                                    


There, your drastic measures

were a cleric to my hysterical

and your scissors


Instead, years hence,

making my vague presence

known to the sink’s periphery,

I’m reprimanded by luminosity.

Separate celebrants are attempered

by a symphony.

I’m grateful to be dismembered.




It delivers

desiderium, in Bristol

fashion, relative to our senescence,

the cumulative of all of our presents,

at least according to my sensibility,


how a theoretical contender

curses a Jersey

union official at the marina.



We wonder at fortuity.

What serves it is also necessarily

that which engenders

understanding chance’s unborn trajectory

as an entirety, wherever time may send her.