Epiphany epitomised. A hokey corral.
A riddle of copulating chains
posited by parental rationale.
Wintry domains. Whimpering of the arraigned.
Subject to the whim and vicissitudes
born of such despotic manacles.
A sham contract of slack that occludes
like a zoo lampooning its animals.
Kinderspielplatz kinaesthesia.
Ersatz displays
of paternal ebuilliance. The cold confines
of a metallic simoom that restrains
propitious twists of limbs to redefine
the little ease or the stocks. The guillotine
that trembles with abhorrent transcendence.
The moment at which the blade is cleaned.
A fleeting thought of possible repentence.
Protean liberty flitting through the gaps
in sardonic links and forbidding bolts.
The firmament is a Borgesian map.
Even Balthazar had his faults.
Cooing cocoons. Rusting custody.
A stymieing screen for a snivelling Thisbe.
Brackish dirge is the currency of encumbency.
In the background a dog catches a Frisbee.
No, there’s no caterwaul that better knows
the false falsetto the canary sings
than when a father ventures out to go
and push his captive children on the swings.